CMV Study

Participants are eligible to be included in the study only if all the following criteria apply (no protocol exemptions will be allowed in this study):

  1. Is a female and 16 to 40 years of age, at the time of consent.
  2. According to the assessment of the Investigator, is in good general health and is capable of complying with study procedures.
  3. Has a body mass index of 15-35 kg/m2, inclusive.
  4. Female participants: Urine pregnancy test is negative at Screening and negative on the day of the first injection (Day 1).
  5. Female participants: If the participant is sexually active with men, all of the following criteria must be met:
    • Has practiced adequate contraception or has abstained from all activities that could result in pregnancy for at least 28 days prior to the first injection (Day 1).
    • Agrees to continue adequate contraception through 3 months following the third study injection (Month 9/Day 257). Adequate contraception is defined as consistent and correct use of an approved contraceptive method in accordance with the product label, or sterilization of a monogamous male partner prior to study enrollment.

Research Study

CMV Study