Participate in a Medical Study in Victoria, TX

Help our clinic make medical advancements at no cost to you

Did you know that medical studies are essential to helping researchers discover if a new drug or treatment is safe and effective? That's right, Crossroads Clinical Research is dependent on gracious volunteers like you to perform studies related to CMV, COVID-19, low testosterone and much more.

We offer $50 referrals on all of our studies - and depending on the type of test, you can get anywhere from $400 to $1700 for participating.

If you're interested in joining a current or future medical study in Victoria, TX, please fill out a form to get started. You can also give us a call to find out more about our studies.

Why should you join a clinical research study?

The medical industry relies on clinical research studies to discover all kinds of breakthroughs - but that can't happen without volunteers. We hope you'll consider joining a study because:

It's essential for developing treatments
It could wind up saving you or your family
It helps others become happier and healthier

Crossroads Clinical Research is always looking for people of various demographics to participate in our studies. To find out if you qualify for a clinical research study in Victoria, TX, contact us today.

Enrolling Clinical Research Studies